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New Hosting

This post has been archived. It's probably out of date or shameful in some other way.

Earlier this week, this site was linked to from Apologies to the couple of hundred thousand people who tried to visit after my host decided to take the site offline. I have signed up to a new hosting package that should be a bit more robust, and will be switching everything over throughout the next few days. Apologies for any problems - there are bound to be a few!

Update: All should be more or less sorted now - DNS is almost finished switching, and comments for most people should be working. That was a relatively painless move, as they go!

Another Update: It looks like the site has completely moved, and I'm happy to report no loss of data. Email is working, as are all the automated bits and bobs. I now have much more bandwidth to play with, too.

Now, at last, I can get back to working on the new design.